ARC – Adjustable Radial Cuff

The TZ Medical Adjustable Radial Cuff (ARC) is a premium radial hemostasis controlled compression device designed to accurately apply focused pressure to the radial artery access site. The ARC’s structured cuff design and targeted inflation system provides consistent and focused hemostasis, maintains patency of the radial artery (patent hemostasis), while protecting the ulnar artery integrity.

ARC - Brochure

More information about ARC Adjustable Radial Cuff

Adjustable Radial Cuff Features

  • Adjustable Inflation System allows for direct pressure over radial artery access site.
  • Balloon designed to apply precise pressure by fitting into the radial groove.
  • The contoured design, solid cuff, and ergonomic padding ensures patient comfort and stability.
  • Buckle and strap combination ensures that the device is snug and insures wrist stability.
  • Does not require a special syringe to inflate air balloon.
  • Available in three sizes to ensure proper and comfortable fit for all patients.

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