

OneViewX is a system able to acquire simultaneously several video signals from medical devices,  reproducing them on a unique monitor. Typical video signals, which can be acquired, are:

  • Fluoroscopy
  • MacLab (polygraph)
  • IVUS
  • ICD/PM Programmer
  • Videocamera

and, all medical devices with standard video signal output.

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More information about OneViewX

OneViewX system is composed by:

  • Desktop PC (small dimensions)
  • Monitor full HD (16:9 aspect ratio)
  • Keyboard + mouse + wireless speaker/microphone

The PC is equipped with several video grabbing modules able to acquire different video signal as: VGA, DVI-D, video composite signal.
Usually the system is installed into the control (command) room of the cathlab (on the table near the fluoroscopy monitors).

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