Improving Patient Outcomes – State-of-the-art treatment methods for excellent therapy outcomes.

The German market for medical technology is highly lucrative, but also extremely complex and characterized by constant changes. With passion, Recover-Med offers its business partners ideal market access to the desired target group. Our focus on niche products enables concentrated and successful work. Strategic marketing for the introduction of innovative medical devices is just as much a part of our standard portfolio as a continuous market analysis. Targeted decision strategies help to improve processes and help to react both creatively and flexibly to any given changes. Loyalty, trust and transparency towards our business partners are part of our everyday practice. What can we do for you?

... The specialization in the fields of interventional cardiology / radiology / angiology and cardiothoracic and vascular surgery...

Dr Hamid Hajian | Vascular Surgeon Dr. Hamid Hajian is a highly skilled vascular surgeon in Sydney offering advanced treatments for varicose veins, venous insufficiency, peripheral vascular disease, aneurysms, dialysis access, diabetic feet, and carotid disease. With a PhD, FRACS membership, and commitment to excellence, he provides personalized, cutting-edge care tailored to each patient’s needs. Dr. Hajian’s expertise ensures optimal vascular health outcomes, with a focus on patients vascular conditions, vein health and artery disease.

Dr Hamid Hajian | Vascular Surgeon
Dr. Hamid Hajian is a highly skilled vascular surgeon in Sydney offering advanced treatments for varicose veins, venous insufficiency, peripheral vascular disease, aneurysms, dialysis access, diabetic feet, and carotid disease. With a PhD, FRACS membership, and commitment to excellence, he provides personalized, cutting-edge care tailored to each patient’s needs. Dr. Hajian’s expertise ensures optimal vascular health outcomes, with a focus on patients vascular conditions, vein health and artery disease.
Phone: +61 8668 9601
670 Darling Street
Rozelle, NSW, 2039

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